A edição de março da Ngamer UK não achou Super Smash Bros. Brawl um game perfeito. Aliás, a revista fez comparações enormes entre ele e outro game do Wii: Super Mario Galaxy. Para a publicação falta a Brawl a magia presente em Galaxy (eu concordo em gênero, número e grau). Nas outras notas, destaque para Bully Scholarship Edition e o ótimo No More Heroes:

- [Wii] Super Smash Bros Brawl - 93%
- [Wii] Bully - Scholarship Edition - 90%
- [Wii] No More Heroes - 94%
- [DS] Exit DS - 81%
- [DS] Rune Factory 2 - 78%
- [DS] Sekai No Shougi - 70%
- [DS] Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games - 68%
- [DS] Tanoshii Youchien: Kotoba To Asobo - 65%
- [DS] Korurin Doughnuts - 65%
- [Wii] Agatha Christie - And Then There Were None - 60%
- [DS] Asterix At The Olympic Games - 60%
- [DS] Winx Club: Mission enchantrix - 50%
- [Wii] Sonic Riders Zero Gravity - 49%
- [Wii] Chocobo’s Dungeon Toki-Wasure No Meikyuu - 48%
- [Wii] Godzilla Unleashed - 45%
- [Wii] CSI: Hard Evidence - 40%
- [Wii] Nitrobike - 40%
- [DS] Fukoumori: Moririi No Unhappy Project - 40%
- [DS] From The Abyss - 35%
- [DS] Paint By DS - 30%
- [Wii] PDC World Championship Darts - 28%
- [DS] My little flufties - 10%
2 comentários:
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Memory sure is becoming cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. I wonder when we will finally hit the ratio of $0.01 to 1 Gig.
I'm still waiting for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 TB drive, haha. But for now I guess I will be happy with having a 32 GB Micro SD in my R4i.
(Posted using OperaMod for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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