Sem mais delongas, essas são as notas da edição de maio da revista GameInformer. Na praia da Nintendo, os destaques ficaram mais uma vez para o port de Okami e para o game maluco da SquareEnix The World Ends With You. Só uma colocação: fique de olho em Puchi Puchi Virus, é um game fabuloso!
Viking: Battle for Asgard (PS3/Xbox 360, Sega): 7.25 / 5.5
Sega Superstars Tennis (PS3/Xbox 360/Wii, Sega): 7.25 / 7.5
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (PS3/Xbox 360, Konami): 7.75 / 8
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds (PS3, Sony): 8 / 8.75
MLB 08: The Show (PS3, EA) 8.5 / 8.25
Persona 3: FES (PS2, Atlus): 8.25
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis (PS2, Koei): 7
Okami (Wii, Capcom): 9.25 / 8.5
Obscure: The Aftermath (Wii/PS2, Ignition Entertainment): 3
Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed (Wii, THQ): 5
Worms: A Space Oddity (Wii, THQ): 6.75
Major League Baseball 2K8 (Wii, 2K Sports): 6.75
Castle of Shikigami III (Wii, Aksys Games): 6.5
The World Ends With You (NDS, Square Enix): 8.25 / 8
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (NDS, Tecmo): 7.75 / 8
Wild Arms XF (PSP, Xseed Games): 7.5 / 6
Lost in Blue 3 (NDS, Konami): 6.25
Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys! (NDS, Ignition): 6.75
Puchi Puchi Virus (NDS, NIS America): 7.5
FlatOut Head On (PSP, Warner): 7.5
Insecticide (NDS, Gamecock Media Group): 5.75
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