Desde quando o 1UP mudou seu sistema de avaliação (usando letras ao invés de números), ficou cada vez mais difícil perceber realmente qual é a cotação que eles deram a determinado game. Mas uma coisa é certa: a pior nota desde essa mudança de método acabou de sair: F para We Cheer. O simulador de lideres de torcida da NamcoBandai foi humilhado pelo reviewer do game Tina Sanchez (e olha que ela é uma mulher!). Olha só o que ela disse:
"We Cheer's so unresponsive, in fact, that I spent four hours in championship mode, trying to beat the easiest song -- Hoku's "Perfect Day" -- to no avail. It's a fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. In an attempt to vindicate myself (and to make sure I wasn't just playing wrong), I even offered $10 to anyone in the 1UP office who passed it...and no one could. Trust me -- this game's nothing to cheer about. " (Tina Sanchez - 1up.com)
"We Cheer's so unresponsive, in fact, that I spent four hours in championship mode, trying to beat the easiest song -- Hoku's "Perfect Day" -- to no avail. It's a fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. In an attempt to vindicate myself (and to make sure I wasn't just playing wrong), I even offered $10 to anyone in the 1UP office who passed it...and no one could. Trust me -- this game's nothing to cheer about. " (Tina Sanchez - 1up.com)
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